Thursday, March 26, 2009

hello guys,
in case you're in the right timing by reading this super last minute meeting update,(for those of you who aren't inform in school earlier),

there'll be a meeting tomorrow(27th March),after school in the canteen.

I understand if some of you might cannot make it due to this last minute information. it's perfectly fine,no worries (: since there will be nothing much to discuss, EXCEPT,
There's a few related prom commitee I have to talk to about sponsorships.
Also, we might be having some problems with the Themes.
So, if you have any problem with these related subjects, do drop by if you could. If you couldn't,it's alright.
You still can talk to me some other time/msn.

Once again, I apologize for causing any inconvenience to any of you who couldn't make it to the meeting due to this last minute information.

- kailee.

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